Thanks Muriuki ________________________________ From: muriuki mureithi <> To: Cc: KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions <> Sent: Thu, February 24, 2011 3:26:53 PM Subject: Re: [kictanet] Day ??: SECTION 16 ; annual report Catherine you forgot about the annual report Section 16 provides as a bare minimum and the reports only processes and activities . this is very reactive The ICCK should go beyond the data and figures and make a statement of the status of the industry with a pointer on the direction of the ICT sector in line with the national aspiration and global context . this status will include the financial health of the ICT sector e.g. CBK and other regulators publish a combined proforma financial statement for the sector to give a overview of the health of the sector , other regulators also give space for subsidiary organs to be captured in the report . thus the report should capture Appeals tribunal and the NCS who are largely funded by ICCK . This should be included in the ICCK act. cheers Muriuki Mureithi The happiest of people don't necessarily HAVE the best of everything; They just MAKE the best of everything