
Will this be available as a SaaS model?

Ali Hussein

+254 0770 906375 / 0713 601113

"Kujikwaa si kuanguka, bali ni kwenda mbele" (To stumble is not to fall but a sign of going forward) - Swahili Proverb

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On Oct 19, 2013, at 8:54 AM, Ngigi Waithaka <> wrote:

Good morning Listers,

They say charity begins at home and so we have just launched our new site for A1 Academia ( ) which includes a lot more information and downloads for our flagship HigherEd Product.

We would like and appreciate comments and reviews, however, taking in mind that the product is not specifically targeted at the Kenyan market.


Waithaka Ngigi
Chief Executive Officer | Alliance Technologies | MCK Nairobi Synod Building
T + 254 (0) 20 2333 471 |Office Mobile: +254 786 28 28 28 + 254 737 811 000

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