Hello. You are invited for the CyberSPEAK | L& C (Session Two) meetup next week June 15th, 3pm-6pm (GMT +3) at the American Space, 5th Floor, Bazaar Plaza, Moi Ave. *Topics:* - Cyber Law -- Kenya Cybercrime Law 2018 - Cyber Insurance: Outlook in Africa - Industrial Control Systems (ICS) Cybersecurity - Incident Response & Remediation To RSVP click *here <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScfJHpU1o7J-CSgLb03rdMTZ2dLrSqSnRbfvsIMdHQ_RsvVBg/viewform> *or go to* Eventbrite.com <http://Eventbrite.com>* <https://www.eventbrite.com/e/cyberspeak-learn-connect-session-two-tickets-46694302917> For more information, take a look at the attachments. Kindest, -- Okoth C. J Team Leader - CyberInAfrica. 6Degrees Cyber <http://twitter.com/6degreescyber>