"Be in their 4th year of study of IT/Computer Science at a Kenyan university. Submit your dully filled application form and all other requirements via email by 21st November, 2017 to"

 Do share the link with your student network.

Be blessed.

Pray God Bless. 2013Wangari circa - "Being of the Light, We are Restored Through Faith in Mind, Body and Spirit; We Manifest The Kingdom of God on Earth".

2017 Call for Applications to a Training Workshop on Mobile Apps Development for Sustainable Development
The Kenya National Commission for UNESCO (KNATCOM) will host a Training Workshop on Mobile Apps Development for Sustainable Development in late November or early December 2017. The objective of the proposed initiative is to promote access of information and ICT innovations through the use of mobile apps in sustainable development by training University students studying Information Technology/Computer Science. The aim of the workshop is to train and guide the participants in mobile apps developing process and to develop apps for sustainable development in the following 5 UNESCO thematic areas: Education, Natural Science, Social & Human Science, Culture and Communication & Information
General Requirements
Applicants must:
How to apply
Students with special needs and female students who meet the requirements are encouraged to apply.
Submit your dully filled application form and all other requirements via email by 21st November, 2017 to
Communications & Information Programme, Kenya National Commission for UNESCO (KNATCOM), National Bank Building 14thFloor , Harambee Avenue, P.O. Box 72107- 00200 Nairobi, Kenya
 Tel  +254 – 20- 2229053/4                        Web site     
Twitter  @NatcomUnescoKe                       Facebook  Kenya National Commission for UNESCO
For enquires email