Thank you Ali. I appreciate your comments. Shukran.

On Sat, Mar 30, 2013 at 1:38 PM, Ali Hussein <> wrote:

Thanks for sharing. I enjoyed the read. I want to however object to the words:-

'...the election results show that technology has failed them.'

I humbly submit that what failed us in this case is a mix of partisan politicking, a knack for jostling to see how each proponent could manipulate the process for their own benefit and lastly the failure of the IEBC leadership to accept and tell Kenyans to our faces that the most expensive technology ever bought for elections in Kenya (and Probably Africa) was designed to fail before it landed in the country.

I would replace the sentence '...the election results show that technology has failed them.' with the sentence

'...the election results show that leadership has failed them.'

The saving grace is that we have a sober Supreme Court and we thank God for them.

Ali Hussein
CEO | 3mice interactive media Ltd
Principal | Telemedia Africa Ltd

+254 773/713 601113

"The future belongs to him who knows how to wait." - Russian Proverb

Sent from my iPad

On Mar 29, 2013, at 11:05 PM, Warigia Bowman <> wrote:

Take a look, and tell me what you think. :-)

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Dr. Warigia Bowman
Assistant Professor 
Clinton School of Public Service
University of Arkansas
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