INTERNET RESOURCES 11-13 August 2010, Kampala, Uganda._*
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The 2010 East African Internet Governance Forum (2010 EA-IGF) will take place on 11-13 August, 2010 at the Imperial Royale hotel in Kampala, Uganda. This third EA-IGF is hosted by the Uganda Communications Commission (UCC), I-Network Uganda, Collaboration on International ICT policy for East and Southern (CIPESA), and Women of Uganda Network (WOUGNET).
Under the theme “*Strengthening East Africa’s Critical Internet Resources”*, participants will this year address and discuss the governance of Critical Internet Resources (CIRs) in East Africa. Particular focus has been given to three key CIRs that have been identified as cross-cutting.Past EA-IGFs identified issues of *ccTLD management and ownership, transitioning to IPv6, and the importance of national and regional IXPs* as crosscutting issues that needed to be addressed both at the national and regional
levels. The 2010 meeting will therefore provide comprehensive consideration to addressing ccTLD management in East Africa. Research findings on ccTLDs will be shared based on the five priority issues effecting ccTLDs identified by the 2008 and 2009 EA-IGFs; Cybercrime, Policy and Regulation of ccTLDs, ccTLDs and consumer rights, and key issues that affect access to Broadband and Internet and how these affect the management and coordination of ccTLDs. The challenges and effective strategies for transitioning to IPv6 will also be discussed.
This year’s access theme will examine the status of broadband in East Africa, noting achievements, hurdles to be overcome and plans for the immediate future. Security and privacy session will address Cybercrime and how it affects women differently among other Cybercrime concerns. The 2010 EA-IGF will introduce a new session focusing on emerging issues for the Internet society of East Africa. Policy and
regulatory framework issues around cross-border/regional ICT certification and the role of youth in advancing the Internet Governance debate in East Africa. The meeting will also discuss the review and future of the global UN IGF process. The EA-IGF supports the continuation and extension of the mandate of the IGF and also supports Kenya’s expression of interest in hosting the 2011 IGF
A *parliamentary and IG session* will be held on 13 August and will review the declarations made during the 2009 EA-IGF held in Nairobi as well as address emerging IG issues. The session will be attended by parliamentarians from the five East African countries as well as from the United Kingdom.
The outcomes of the EA-IGF will be submitted to the fifth UN Internet Governance Forum taking place in Vilnius, Lithuania 14 – 17, September 2010. Further, the proceedings will be presented at other national and regional forums in Africa.
each thematic session, representatives from each country will provide their national perspective on the theme, identifying/sharing key issues, challenges and recommendations.
*What is the EA-IGF***
The EA-IGF was convened in 2008 by the Kenya ICT Action Network (KICTANet) as a multi-stakeholder process with the aim of ensuring meaningful participation of East African internet stakeholders in internet governance policy processes. The EA-IGF is open to representatives from government, civil society, academia, private sector, media, consumer groups, other entities and individuals interested in Internet Governance issues. This regional IGF process brings together participants from Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya, Burundi and South Sudan to identify, explore and build consensus around common Internet policy priority issues in the region.
The EA-IGF model sees each country begin the process with online discussions to identify the Internet
policy issues most important to them, followed by a face-to-face national IGF meeting. These national processes then fed into the regional meeting, the EA-IGF. The outcomes of the national and regional processes have then been very successfully shared at two global IGFs. While the EA-IGF is informed by IGF it does not mimic the global process. The national IGFs, which form the building block for the regional EA-IGF, identify issues that are unique and important to their local situations and needs.
The goal of the EA-IGF is to create a Community of Practice that will be a sustaining foundation for meaningful participation of East African stakeholders in Internet public policy debates at the national, regional and international level.
*The 2010 EA-IGF is supported by*
· Uganda Communications Commission (UCC)
· Collaboration on International ICT policy for East and
Southern Africa (CIPESA)
· I-Network Uganda
· Women of Uganda Network (WOUGNET)
· International Development and Research Centre (IDRC)
· Japan International Corporation Agency (JICA)
· Nominet United Kingdom
· AT&T
· AfriNic
· Internet Society (ISOC)
· Centre for Global Communications (GLOCOM)
· Kenya ICT Action Network (KICTANet)
· Internet Governance Forum (UN-IGF)
*To register for this event or obtain additional information, please visit the meeting website at **
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