
Does this need updating or is this still correct:

The basis for ICT legislation in Kenya is the amended Kenya Communications Act 1998 (KCA 1998), which was updated by the Kenya Communications (Amendment[MV1] ) Act 2009 which provides a section on electronic transactions (e-transactions). A national ICT policy dates of March 2006. Undersea cables – Seacom and The East African Marine System (TEAMS) landed in 2009 and the Eastern Africa Submarine Cable System (EASSy) is landed in 2010[MV2] . The landing of the cables brought a lot of consumer expectations in terms of quality (whch has been realized) and costs (which has remained elusive). The Kenyan Government has also invested in building a national fibre backbone, referred to as the National Optic Fibre Backbone Infrastructure (NOFBI), which is under progress.[MV3]  The new Constitution includes in the Bill of Rights provisions on fundamental rights and freedoms relevant to infrastructure and content content transmitted and the governance thereof.

 [MV1]This KCA establishes a also established a Universal Service Fund under the Communications Commission of Kenya (CCK), but this is yet to be implemented. There is also the Freedom of Information Bill, which is still pending. This Bill proposes a Commission be established to enforce data privacy and security together with other stakeholders.


Have these been established?

 [MV2]Is this correct?

 [MV3]Is this finalised?