On 18/01/2011, [Brainiac] <arebacollins@gmail.com> wrote:
I seriously hope that this http://bit.ly/famTA5 is just some fanatical reporting at Nation Media (would not be shocked) but if so, if these words came out of your mouth bwana PS,
Are you for Real? Is that not cartel behaviour right there? So now what, are you going to "adjust" the lowest interconnection fees upwards to normalize all this? so that what? Safaricom can make more money?
Playing on the public with FUD now? what happened to market forces? who would run their company to a grind just to offer the cheapest? Revenue collection? how about we first spend PRUDENTLY what we collect? how about ALL of us pay taxes for starters? and why not just LOWER taxes and increase the tax bracket?
I have never been disappointed like i have on reading this.
If it looks like Impunity, Smells like Impunity , guess what it is....
I read the story about five times to see where the lowering of the voice calls would derail the new constitution, but I could not find anything to that effect. I thought, in my little understanding, when politicians failed to approve the names of people fronted for the constitutional commissions, (Commission on the Implementation of the Constitution and the Commission of Revenue Allocation) was the direct derailment of the constitution. But on Mobile phones 'wars'? That's new to me. Safaricom also complains of Airtel's price reduction as a lead to collapse in the industry.... how now? I thought that should be Airtel's risk and not a threat in anyway to Safaricom's growth, in anyway. I think I need to get back to my books! -- *Solomon Mbũrũ Kamau* ***************************************************** *Man is a gregarious animal and enjoys agreement as cows will graze all the same way to the side of a hill!* AND *It is better to die in dignity than in the ignominy of ambiguous generosity! * http://smiley2.wordpress.com http://mburu.sikika.co.ke