Brian +1 The greatest tragedy of Telkom Kenya is that they truly have not leveraged on their legacy systems. Regards *Ali Hussein* *CEO, 3mice interactive media ltd* *Partner, Telemedia Africa Ltd * Tel: +254713601113 Twitter: @AliHKassim Skype: abu-jomo LinkedIn:<> Blog: On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 9:36 AM, Brian Munyao Longwe <>wrote:
300,000 connections at the time the copper was taken over 5 yrs ago is not something to sneer at. Besdies that, remember that all the current fhigh speed broadband services, Zuku, Faiba etc are using copper for the "last mile"
-- Sent from my TRON Lightcycle -- On Apr 10, 2013 8:09 AM, "Mark Mwangi" <> wrote:
From What I gather the copper network of Telecom was not that extensive to begin with. Granted there was no other player with such an extended network but is it worthwhile to keep talking about copper whilst it is limited in how much bandwith it can offer? Why not future proof?
On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 7:05 AM, Brian Munyao Longwe <>wrote:
Ethiopia and Tunisia deliver high speed data over wireline while here in Kenya we have allowed France Telecom who have management of Telkom Kenya to basically neglect and "throw away" our copper plant - and yet it could be the basis for providing affordable high speed access to hundreds of thousands. The new government *must* review this counterproductive "strategic investment" from France. Preferably show them the door and let us rebuild our national carrier. Full story here FullNews.php?id=8231<>
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-- Regards,
Mark Mwangi
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