Greetings, I hope this reaches you in the best of health & highest of spirits today. I've written some new posts on my *blog <>* & I'd like you guys to let me know what you think. I got them from material I come across the Net & in my e-mail. Here they are: Facebook: - *Inside A Facebook Server Farm...*<> - *Facebook Now Has 30,000 Servers...*<> - *15 Scary Facebook Statistics...*<> Effects of Social Networking: - *The Young & The Connected...*<> Societal Awareness: - *Improving Human Behaviour Key To Improving Road Safety...<> (sorry if the audio is a bit off)* Security: - *Kenya Police website hacked...<> * - *Creating E-mail Filters in Yahoo!...*<> The Workforce: - *10 dirty little secrets you should know about working in IT...*<> - *Employee Monitoring...<> * - *Frustrated Employees...<> * - *I.T. Life... Interesting! <> * Humour: - *Wikileaks... <>* - *Evolution of Man...<> * Events: - *Christmas 2.0...<> * - *Nokia C3 Chaos at Sarit Centre...*<> - *Nokia C3 Chaos at I&M Building...<> * - *Nokia C3 lands in Indonesia...<> * Warm regards, Mike. *-- "The computer programmer . . . is a creator of universes for which he alone is the lawgiver. . . . No playwright, no stage director, no emperor, however powerful, has ever exercised such absolute authority to arrange a stage or a field of battle and to command such unswervingly dutiful actors or troops."* * ~ Joseph Weizenbaum... --*