On Sun, May 10, 2009 at 1:42 PM, alice munyua <alice@apc.org> wrote:
There seems to be some  misunderstanding  about what the KCA 2009  does?

It is the introduction of liberalisation at
the sub domain level by creating a
competitive registrar model?  KENIC remains the ccTLD manager of the whole dot KE namespace and
registry operator. What the KCA amendment does only means if a registered company wants to manage/sell the second level, i.e. .co.ke, .sc.ke etc. they would need to get a  license from CCK to become an registrar.

Given that ISPs and other registered companies have been selling (not managing, as that has always done by KENIC) the 2nd level domains as "registrars" already, does that KCA 2009 section now require them to obtain special licensing different that what they have always used?
Does that section all foresee a situation where any of those registered companies might want to "manage" the 2nd level domains? Hmm, I wonder in what context it takes the "manage" aspect. KENIC have setup systems that we think of as the only ones used to "manage" for these domains. I wonder whether what that section of the law foresees is a situation where someorganizations will set up competing systems (to KENIC).
Is there, perhaps, a precedent somewhere where several organizations have been licensed to "manage" ccTLDs at the 2nd level?
If "manage", perhaps, means just being control of the DNS infrastructure for the domain names as it is now, then perhaps the law was meant to just fill the void of no law having been there in the first place?

Best regards,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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              -- Mark Twain