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December 2008
- 58 participants
- 72 discussions
After a few days of reading the draft bill in relation to ICT sections
42-86, I wish to commend the various players, ict professionals for the
excellent points contained in the bill which are stepping stones for further
development. However, I'd like to make some comments about sections require
better definitions in the near future or if possible amendments before it
became law. Due to the nature of the vagueness, the laws can be exploited by
self interpretations and could lead to misuse.
If I may list these ( going by the draft as I do not have the final version
) :
- Section 57 : More specifics needed
- Section 61 to 67 : computer related and security. Is this about public or
private networks and computers/servers connected to these?
There is no provision in the bill that public sector/ private sector who
deal with financials, senstitive info etc must comply with tougher systems
that are not easily broken into or abused. This must be a two way street.
How easily a system can be compromised depends on how well it is defended
with appropriate technology.
- Section 69 : More specifics needed
- Section 70 : More specifics needed
- Section 71 : More specifics needed
- Section 73 : More specifics needed, similar to 61-67,70
- Section 74, 75 : More specifics needed
Also not covered is data co-location services that should be mandatory for
public sector and possibly private sector that hold financial, public
databases and records incase of fire/theft or "sudden" disappearences.
Clarity on paper would make the bill a huge success within the ICT portions.
With Rgds.

Re: [kictanet] [ke-internetusers] Kenya communications (amendment) Bill: Is media overacting?
by Wainaina Mungai 16 Dec '08
by Wainaina Mungai 16 Dec '08
16 Dec '08
The truth is that the "supporters" you see on TV, hear on radio, read
in papers are not by accident. The Media Owners Association (MoA)
crafted a campaign strategy that includes the "media blackout to all
MPs who supported the Bill and The Ministry of Information &
According to persons privy to the media campaign strategy, we have a
big problem here and it's about time Kenyans were told the objective
truth. Unfortunately, the people who own the media houses are
determined to use every possible means to ensure the Bill is not
signed. You will not hear a supporter of the Bill being given
The strategy is clearly not intended to yield an objective result. The
intention is to shape public opinion even through biased reporting.
The strategy includes:
1. Ensure President dioesn't sign the Bill, by publicly petitioning him.
2. Take advantage of Jamhuri Day to show images of raids conducted by
previous regimes.
3. Run a media campaign that includes 'same headline' in all papers
and similar headlines on electronic media.
4. Shape public opinion through campains and show that the Bill is
unconstitutional...etc etc
5. Blackout all supporters of the Bill, Ministry & only invite civil
society players who support the interests of the media. Keep watching
and you'll notice the biased reporting.
6. The coverage of the issue in the weekend papers (circulation) is
also part of the strategy. This will not stop until the President
yields to the Media's agenda.
The media has the right to petition the President but the problem with
their campaign is that Media Owners have actually agreed not to cover
the issue objectively. They have conspired to shape public opinion by
all possible means including excluding all those who have a different
In doing so, they demonstrate the need for legislative regulation. The
nation is now at the mercy of the media and the public will only be
fed with one side of the story.
Over to you.
On 12/14/08, Kinuthia Muchane <muchanek(a)> wrote:
> Habari,
> Maybe the media is overacting, maybe the the MPs are wrong... But one
> interesting thing about this issue is the timidity of the MPs, to begin
> with, in the news all I am hearing are our dear elected representatives
> vowing their undying support for all sorts of freedom, including that of
> Press, so my question is, isn't there one, single MP who supported
> passing of the Bill who can come out in defence of his or her stand? Or
> is it because they always pander to the Press, they do not want to be
> seen in 'bad' light .
> On the other hand, most of us take what we hear on the radio or watch on
> TV as gospel truth, and the unfortunate fact of life is that the
> majority of us have no other source of information, or do not seek other
> avenues of
> getting information, a fact very well
> known by members of the so called "Fourth Estate". So when they drench
> us with "details" about the dangers of the bill's amendment no matter how
> skewed their
> opinion is, we will believe them hook, line and sinker!
> If you ask me, in a country like ours with a very shaky social,
> political and economic foundation, these merchants of
> "information" should be very closely and regularly monitored, a Radio
> Mille Collines can happen here very easily...
> In any case, ain't all these media 'houses' just commercial enterprises
> out to make a tidy profit?
> Kinuthia...
> _______________________________________________
> ke-internetusers mailing list
> ke-internetusers(a)
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Mobile to Rule the Internet as Primary Device in 2020, Says Pew
By Reporter Wireless and Mobile News on December 14, 2008 6:04 PM
Watch out world, the mobile internet life is approaching soon.
According to a survey of experts by the Pew Internet & American Life
Project that asked expert respondents to assess predictions about
technology and its roles in the year 2020:
Some 77% said the mobile computing device (the smartphone) with more
significant computing power will be 2020's primary global
Internet-connection platform.
64% favored the idea that 2020 user interfaces will offer advanced
touch, talk and typing options and some added a fourth "T" - think.
Nearly four out of five respondents (78%) said the original Internet
architecture will not be completely replaced by a next-generation 'net
by 2020.
Three out of five respondents (60%) disagreed with the idea that
legislatures, courts, the technology industry, and media companies
will exercise effective intellectual property control by 2020.
A majority--56%--agreed that in 2020 "few lines (will) divide
professional from personal time, and that's OK."
More than half (55%) agreed that many lives will be touched in 2020 by
virtual worlds, mirror worlds, and augmented reality, while 45%
disagreed or did not answer the question.
The report entitled "Future of the Internet III" is built around
respondents' responses to scenarios stretching to the year 2020, and
hundreds of their written elaborations address such topics as: the
methods by which people will access information in the future; the
fact that technology is expanding the potential for hate, bigotry and
terrorism; the changes that will occur in human relationships due to
hyper-connected communication; the future of work and
employer-employee relationships; the evolution of the tools for and
use of augmented reality and virtual reality; the strength of
respondents' concerns that the global corporations and governments
currently in control of most resources might impede or even halt the
open development of the internet; and the challenges to come as issues
tied to security, privacy, digital identities, tracking and massive
databases collide.
"A strong undercurrent of anxiety runs through these experts' answers:
They are quite sure the internet and cell phones will continue to
advance at an amazing clip, but they are not at all sure people will
make the same kind of progress as they embrace better, faster, cheaper
gadgets," said Lee Rainie, Director of the Pew Internet & American
Life Project. "The picture they paint of the future is that technology
will give people the power to be stronger actors in the political and
economic world, but that won't necessarily make it a kinder, gentler
The Pew Internet/Elon University survey was conducted online by
invitation to experts identified in an extensive literature review and
to active members of several key technology groups, among them: The
Internet Society, The World Wide Web Consortium, the Multistakeholder
Group on Internet Governance, ICANN, Internet2 and the Association of
Internet Researchers.
Many respondents are at the pinnacle of internet leadership. Some
respondents are "working in the trenches" of building the Web; most of
the people in this latter category came to the survey by invitation to
those on the email list of the Pew Internet Project. The survey was an
"opt in," self-selecting effort. That process does not yield a random,
representative sample.
Full results of the survey, including engaging quotes from hundreds of
respondents and brief biographies on many of these people, can be
found on the web here.
AfrICANN mailing list

Re: [kictanet] [ke-internetusers] Kenya communications (amendment) Bill: Is media overacting?
by Brian Longwe 15 Dec '08
by Brian Longwe 15 Dec '08
15 Dec '08
I too, feel that this is overreaction and misrepresentation by the media.
How many of the very vocal media personalities who appeared protesting have
even read the proposed legislation? If they did, they would see that the
powers granted are only applicable during a state of emergency. Other laws
set out the process and conditions by which a state of emergency can be
Our experiences with the post-election crisis this year exposed how partisan
and instrumental media can be to fuel discontent and in many cases, media
related information was used to take lives.
Have the more responsible media houses forgotten so quickly the regret and
guilt they expressed, when they started crying out for peace - after they
realised how seriously wrong their transmissions were taken by the public?
It is true that when Govt invited stakeholders to make representations
regarding the bill, the media houses that bothered to send personnel sent
only very junior officials - there's no knowing what kind of
feedback/representations these underlings took back to their bosses.
How many media houses sent representations to the house committee that was
responsible for the bill when they were invited to do so? To what extent did
they engage with informed contributions, proposed modifications or even
proposed text to replace the offending sections?
People need to realise that things like this don't happen overnight,
law-making is a process that provides any citizen with the right and the
opportunity to make their views felt and known. The masses that have been
mobilised by the media houses should have been in Mombasa when govt, the
house committee and stakeholders were meeting to among other things look at
sections of the Kenya communications amendment act - not now, when their
elected representatives have yielded to the due process and submitted the
bill to the President.
my two-pence,
On 12/13/08, Grace Bomu <nmutungu(a)> wrote:
> I had signed up for the mars group protest yesterday on the
> representation that it was a protest on food prices and MP'S refusal
> to pay taxes.
> I am disgusted that the media have used our voices for their causes
> exclusively, disregarding ours.
> As a Kenyan, i think there should be a review on cross-ownership of
> media if democracy is to thrive. Also, considering the role of the
> media in fueling ethnic/ regional backlash since 2003, isn't there
> need for a check on them?
> There may be misgivings on the arbitraly powers conferred to the
> Minister in charge of security but media has to be checked.
> The media should give suggestions on alternative ways to check them
> instead of using all their airtime and acres of newspapers to win
> public sympathy.
> Finally, they should stop branding it ' media bill' as the bill is not
> a conspiracy against media but a bill to amend the communications act.
> --
> Sent from Gmail for mobile |
> Grace L.N. Mutung'u
> +254721898732
> +254736091242
> Kenya
> _______________________________________________
> ke-internetusers mailing list
> ke-internetusers(a)
Brian Munyao Longwe
e-mail: blongwe(a)
cell: + 254 722 518 744
blog :

Re: [kictanet] [ke-internetusers] Kenya communications (amendment) Bill: Is media overacting?
by Wainaina Mungai 15 Dec '08
by Wainaina Mungai 15 Dec '08
15 Dec '08
Ok Aduda,
Suggest an alternative informed direction.
On 12/15/08, David Aduda <daduda(a)> wrote:
> Wanaina,
> I've been wondering why you are so stuck to one position and so dismissive
> of others even when people have constructive ideas! Debate is a two-way
> affair and respect for other views. We respect your view, even if we don't
> agree with it, but don't railroad everyone in one direction.
> Aduda
>> ----------
>> From: on behalf
>> of Wainaina Mungai
>> Sent: Monday, December 15, 2008 7:06 PM
>> To: David Aduda
>> Cc: KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions
>> Subject: Re: [kictanet] [ke-internetusers] Kenya communications
>> (amendment)Bill: Is media overacting?
>> Crystal et. al.,
>> Other than for a few if any, you are preaching to the choir on matters
>> of the need for a "free and fair" press. We have been on the job as
>> stations were shut down but that does not cloud our objectivity. We
>> must discuss a fair way forward on specifics scenarios pointed out by
>> Bill Kagai and others. Do not forget that the media has not been
>> acting "free" and "fair". A fair press would have been objective and
>> would not conspire and document their intention to sway public opinion
>> through biased reporting (see the Action Plan in this thread).
>> Way forward:
>> 1. President fails to ascent: We are stuck with Section 88 for another
>> 6months at a very minimum. No guarantee we'll make progress on the
>> other aspects after losing 6months of much needed reforms.
>> 2. President ascents. We still have Section 88 but this time, we are
>> better off as a country on all other aspects of the Bill. If the media
>> wants support in 6months for a separate Bill to repeal Section 88,
>> then they can lobby us and the MPs for support.
>> Note that the media you call "free and fair" abused their licence
>> provisions through the "Action Plan" to manipulate the public to
>> support them. The one-sided reporting continues except on K24 TV.
>> Let's be very fair and honest in our proposals.
>> Wainaina
>> On 12/15/08, Crystal Watley <crystal(a)> wrote:
>> > Brian,
>> >
>> > The meeting was not made public knowledge. If it had been then possibly
>> > more
>> > would have attended. Myself included.
>> >
>> > The Communications Bill contains many well thought out policies that
>> > will
>> > benefit Kenya in its quest to become an leader in information and
>> > communications technology in the region. I read the bill when it came
>> > out in
>> > its first draft form and twice more during the consultation and
>> > amendment
>> > period. The bill is still not ready to be passed into law. As it is a
>> > serious piece of legislature it needs more discussion especially in open
>> > public forums. Once the general public and the media take an issue with
>> > a
>> > piece of legislation it should be tabled and discussed until necessary
>> > revisions are made. I would like to reiterate this bill is not ready to
>> > be
>> > passed into law. If it is I would encourage the media institutions to
>> > challenge its legality in court. It has already been rejected in the
>> > court
>> > of public opinion.
>> >
>> > If what Dr. Ndemo and others say about the ability of the president to
>> > amend
>> > the act, although Kibaki is in a catch 22, he should see that the media
>> > stays free. What Kenyans should be afraid of is giving the government
>> > the
>> > power to decide on what dictates a "state of emergency". This has been
>> > used
>> > in other countries to suppress the masses and give all control to a few
>> > powerful individuals. The control of the many by the few is something we
>> > already see in Kenya. Information and communications technologies are to
>> > improve INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS. The proliferation of Kenyan
>> > content
>> > cannot be stilfed by the law or many will shy away from their use due to
>> > fear.
>> >
>> > Crystal
>> >
>> > On Sat, Dec 13, 2008 at 6:36 PM, Brian Longwe <blongwe(a)> wrote:
>> >
>> >>
>> >> I too, feel that this is overreaction and misrepresentation by the
>> >> media.>
>> >> How many of the very vocal media personalities who appeared protesting
>> >> have
>> >> even read the proposed legislation? If they did, they would see that
>> >> the
>> >> powers granted are only applicable during a state of emergency. Other
>> >> laws
>> >> set out the process and conditions by which a state of emergency can be
>> >> called.
>> >>
>> >> Our experiences with the post-election crisis this year exposed how
>> >> partisan and instrumental media can be to fuel discontent and in many
>> >> cases,
>> >> media related information was used to take lives.
>> >>
>> >> Have the more responsible media houses forgotten so quickly the regret
>> >> and
>> >> guilt they expressed, when they started crying out for peace - after
>> >> they
>> >> realised how seriously wrong their transmissions were taken by the
>> >> public?
>> >>
>> >> It is true that when Govt invited stakeholders to make representations
>> >> regarding the bill, the media houses that bothered to send personnel
>> >> sent
>> >> only very junior officials - there's no knowing what kind of
>> >> feedback/representations these underlings took back to their bosses.
>> >>
>> >> How many media houses sent representations to the house committee that
>> >> was
>> >> responsible for the bill when they were invited to do so? To what
>> >> extent
>> >> did
>> >> they engage with informed contributions, proposed modifications or even
>> >> proposed text to replace the offending sections?
>> >>
>> >> People need to realise that things like this don't happen overnight,
>> >> law-making is a process that provides any citizen with the right and
>> >> the
>> >> opportunity to make their views felt and known. The masses that have
>> >> been
>> >> mobilised by the media houses should have been in Mombasa when govt,
>> >> the
>> >> house committee and stakeholders were meeting to among other things
>> >> look
>> >> at
>> >> sections of the Kenya communications amendment act - not now, when
>> >> their
>> >> elected representatives have yielded to the due process and submitted
>> >> the
>> >> bill to the President.
>> >>
>> >> my two-pence,
>> >>
>> >> Brian
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> On 12/13/08, Grace Bomu <nmutungu(a)> wrote:
>> >>>
>> >>> I had signed up for the mars group protest yesterday on the
>> >>> representation that it was a protest on food prices and MP'S refusal
>> >>> to pay taxes.
>> >>> I am disgusted that the media have used our voices for their causes
>> >>> exclusively, disregarding ours.
>> >>> As a Kenyan, i think there should be a review on cross-ownership of
>> >>> media if democracy is to thrive. Also, considering the role of the
>> >>> media in fueling ethnic/ regional backlash since 2003, isn't there
>> >>> need for a check on them?
>> >>> There may be misgivings on the arbitraly powers conferred to the
>> >>> Minister in charge of security but media has to be checked.
>> >>> The media should give suggestions on alternative ways to check them
>> >>> instead of using all their airtime and acres of newspapers to win
>> >>> public sympathy.
>> >>> Finally, they should stop branding it ' media bill' as the bill is not
>> >>> a conspiracy against media but a bill to amend the communications act.
>> >>>
>> >>> --
>> >>> Sent from Gmail for mobile |
>> >>>
>> >>> Grace L.N. Mutung'u
>> >>> +254721898732
>> >>> +254736091242
>> >>> Kenya
>> >>> _______________________________________________
>> >>> ke-internetusers mailing list
>> >>> ke-internetusers(a)
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> --
>> >> Brian Munyao Longwe
>> >> e-mail: blongwe(a)
>> >> cell: + 254 722 518 744
>> >> blog :
>> >> meta-blog:
>> >> _______________________________________________
>> >> kictanet mailing list
>> >> kictanet(a)
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> This message was sent to: crystal(a)
>> >> Unsubscribe or change your options at
>> >>…>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >
>> >
>> > --
>> > Crystal "Naliaka" Watley
>> > Voices of Africa
>> > crystal(a)
>> >
>> >
>> > "You must be the change you wish to see" - Gandhi
>> >
>> --
>> Sent from my mobile device
>> ---
>> -
>> KAMPALA Workshop presentation -
>> _______________________________________________
>> kictanet mailing list
>> kictanet(a)
>> This message was sent to: daduda(a)
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> DISCLAIMER: The information contained in or accompanying this e-mail is
> intended for the use of the stated recipient only. It may contain
> confidential, proprietary or legally privileged information. No
> confidentiality or privilege is waived or lost by any mistransmission. If
> you receive this message in error, please immediately delete it and all
> copies of it from your system, destroy any hard copies of it and notify the
> sender. You must not, directly or indirectly, use, disclose, distribute,
> print, or copy any part of this message if you are not the intended
> recipient.
> Any views or opinions presented herein are solely those of the author and do
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Re: [kictanet] [ke-internetusers] Kenya communications (amendment)Bill: Is media overacting?
by David Aduda 15 Dec '08
by David Aduda 15 Dec '08
15 Dec '08
I've been wondering why you are so stuck to one position and so dismissive of others even when people have constructive ideas! Debate is a two-way affair and respect for other views. We respect your view, even if we don't agree with it, but don't railroad everyone in one direction.
> ----------
> From: on behalf of Wainaina Mungai
> Sent: Monday, December 15, 2008 7:06 PM
> To: David Aduda
> Cc: KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions
> Subject: Re: [kictanet] [ke-internetusers] Kenya communications (amendment)Bill: Is media overacting?
> Crystal et. al.,
> Other than for a few if any, you are preaching to the choir on matters
> of the need for a "free and fair" press. We have been on the job as
> stations were shut down but that does not cloud our objectivity. We
> must discuss a fair way forward on specifics scenarios pointed out by
> Bill Kagai and others. Do not forget that the media has not been
> acting "free" and "fair". A fair press would have been objective and
> would not conspire and document their intention to sway public opinion
> through biased reporting (see the Action Plan in this thread).
> Way forward:
> 1. President fails to ascent: We are stuck with Section 88 for another
> 6months at a very minimum. No guarantee we'll make progress on the
> other aspects after losing 6months of much needed reforms.
> 2. President ascents. We still have Section 88 but this time, we are
> better off as a country on all other aspects of the Bill. If the media
> wants support in 6months for a separate Bill to repeal Section 88,
> then they can lobby us and the MPs for support.
> Note that the media you call "free and fair" abused their licence
> provisions through the "Action Plan" to manipulate the public to
> support them. The one-sided reporting continues except on K24 TV.
> Let's be very fair and honest in our proposals.
> Wainaina
> On 12/15/08, Crystal Watley <crystal(a)> wrote:
> > Brian,
> >
> > The meeting was not made public knowledge. If it had been then possibly more
> > would have attended. Myself included.
> >
> > The Communications Bill contains many well thought out policies that will
> > benefit Kenya in its quest to become an leader in information and
> > communications technology in the region. I read the bill when it came out in
> > its first draft form and twice more during the consultation and amendment
> > period. The bill is still not ready to be passed into law. As it is a
> > serious piece of legislature it needs more discussion especially in open
> > public forums. Once the general public and the media take an issue with a
> > piece of legislation it should be tabled and discussed until necessary
> > revisions are made. I would like to reiterate this bill is not ready to be
> > passed into law. If it is I would encourage the media institutions to
> > challenge its legality in court. It has already been rejected in the court
> > of public opinion.
> >
> > If what Dr. Ndemo and others say about the ability of the president to amend
> > the act, although Kibaki is in a catch 22, he should see that the media
> > stays free. What Kenyans should be afraid of is giving the government the
> > power to decide on what dictates a "state of emergency". This has been used
> > in other countries to suppress the masses and give all control to a few
> > powerful individuals. The control of the many by the few is something we
> > already see in Kenya. Information and communications technologies are to
> > improve INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS. The proliferation of Kenyan content
> > cannot be stilfed by the law or many will shy away from their use due to
> > fear.
> >
> > Crystal
> >
> > On Sat, Dec 13, 2008 at 6:36 PM, Brian Longwe <blongwe(a)> wrote:
> >
> >>
> >> I too, feel that this is overreaction and misrepresentation by the media.>
> >> How many of the very vocal media personalities who appeared protesting
> >> have
> >> even read the proposed legislation? If they did, they would see that the
> >> powers granted are only applicable during a state of emergency. Other laws
> >> set out the process and conditions by which a state of emergency can be
> >> called.
> >>
> >> Our experiences with the post-election crisis this year exposed how
> >> partisan and instrumental media can be to fuel discontent and in many
> >> cases,
> >> media related information was used to take lives.
> >>
> >> Have the more responsible media houses forgotten so quickly the regret and
> >> guilt they expressed, when they started crying out for peace - after they
> >> realised how seriously wrong their transmissions were taken by the public?
> >>
> >> It is true that when Govt invited stakeholders to make representations
> >> regarding the bill, the media houses that bothered to send personnel sent
> >> only very junior officials - there's no knowing what kind of
> >> feedback/representations these underlings took back to their bosses.
> >>
> >> How many media houses sent representations to the house committee that was
> >> responsible for the bill when they were invited to do so? To what extent
> >> did
> >> they engage with informed contributions, proposed modifications or even
> >> proposed text to replace the offending sections?
> >>
> >> People need to realise that things like this don't happen overnight,
> >> law-making is a process that provides any citizen with the right and the
> >> opportunity to make their views felt and known. The masses that have been
> >> mobilised by the media houses should have been in Mombasa when govt, the
> >> house committee and stakeholders were meeting to among other things look
> >> at
> >> sections of the Kenya communications amendment act - not now, when their
> >> elected representatives have yielded to the due process and submitted the
> >> bill to the President.
> >>
> >> my two-pence,
> >>
> >> Brian
> >>
> >>
> >> On 12/13/08, Grace Bomu <nmutungu(a)> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> I had signed up for the mars group protest yesterday on the
> >>> representation that it was a protest on food prices and MP'S refusal
> >>> to pay taxes.
> >>> I am disgusted that the media have used our voices for their causes
> >>> exclusively, disregarding ours.
> >>> As a Kenyan, i think there should be a review on cross-ownership of
> >>> media if democracy is to thrive. Also, considering the role of the
> >>> media in fueling ethnic/ regional backlash since 2003, isn't there
> >>> need for a check on them?
> >>> There may be misgivings on the arbitraly powers conferred to the
> >>> Minister in charge of security but media has to be checked.
> >>> The media should give suggestions on alternative ways to check them
> >>> instead of using all their airtime and acres of newspapers to win
> >>> public sympathy.
> >>> Finally, they should stop branding it ' media bill' as the bill is not
> >>> a conspiracy against media but a bill to amend the communications act.
> >>>
> >>> --
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> >>>
> >>> Grace L.N. Mutung'u
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> >> --
> >> Brian Munyao Longwe
> >> e-mail: blongwe(a)
> >> cell: + 254 722 518 744
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> >> meta-blog:
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Re: [kictanet] [ke-internetusers] Kenya communications (amendment) Bill: Is media overacting?
by Wainaina Mungai 15 Dec '08
by Wainaina Mungai 15 Dec '08
15 Dec '08
I propose we focus on the issues below:
1. Section 88 and the fact that the absence of the Presidential ascent
wouldn't change anything for atleast the next six months. The
suggestion is that media pursues the path of a "futher amendments"
Bill that shall be debated separately. There should be no guarantee it
will be passed.
2. Content regulation and the fact that it does not threaten freedom
of expression. The issues have been clarified here and in other fora.
3. The "Action Plan" of the Media Owners Association and the clauses
that indicate their willingness to abuse the power given to them. Put
this in context of the powers you want Kenyans to entrust you with.
You do not add value to the debate by branding as "media bashers" or
hypocrites those of us who have realised with time that absolute power
corrupts absolutely even in the media.
On 12/16/08, Linus Kaikai <lkaikai(a)> wrote:
> Dr. Ndemo,
> It is puzzling that throughout your meetings with us we never got to hear of
> some of the issues you are now raising on Kictanet like 'Media impunity' and
> 'corrupting children minds.' The latter was of course the very same line
> used by Mao and later Deng Xiaoping to cut off information flow to the
> Chinese masses, and that is having concluded the entire population is made
> up of children! There's a great deal of dishonesty around this whole issue.
> The contentious clauses in my view are an extension of your ban of live
> broadcast on the evening of December 30; a ban that neither worked nor
> helped in way in pushing through suspect election results. Bwana PS the
> larger picture is the country is walking down a retrogressive path and the
> clauses in the Communication Bill are only part of a number of things that
> are going wrong especially with politics and governance. Bwana PS sections
> of this Bill are not anything you would be proud of 5 years from now.
> For the rest of the media-bashing crowd on Kictanet, yours is the hypocrisy
> killing our country. When Moi was president the media and outspoken
> diplomats were your heroes. Now they are villains. How convenient!
> About the bill, I am so keen to hear your take on the March 2, 2006 raid on
> the Standard and KTN for such are the actions the new bill would make
> perfectly legal!
> Linus
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On
> Behalf Of bitange(a)
> Sent: 14 December 2008 22:04
> To: lkaikai(a)
> Cc: KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions
> Subject: Re: [kictanet] [ke-internetusers] Kenya
> communications(amendment)Bill: Is media overacting?
> Mike,
> Thank you for your objective views. You know very well that there are
> thousands of youth out there who have patiently waited for this bill to
> allow them trade on-line. Now Media calls theirs.
> The outcomes of the Kriegler and Waki would hopefully deal with political
> impunity. Who will deal with media impunity? In my view we must push
> this Bill to ensure that electronic media does not continue to corrupt our
> children's minds.
> Ndemo.
>> Dr. Ndemo,
>> I hope that the media note that they are on the wrong path and move to
>> change their approach. In hindsight they might realize that the issues at
>> hand could have been tackled differently.The media's most recent actions
>> only make it more difficult to resolve the very same issues they are
>> protesting.
>> The Nation's editorial perhaps represents the divergence in views between
>> the media owners, their supporters and responsible journalists who may
>> have
>> seen that things are steering in a dangerous direction. As the matter
>> drags
>> on, various elements will try to take advantage and jump onto the
>> bandwagon
>> to further certain agendas. It is this catalyst that is worrisome, as
>> there
>> is the possibility that just as the media issue has somehow been tied to
>> economic issues, the media issue could easily be misused by those who have
>> little to do with the media.
>> The country has many volatile problems that should not be exploited, some
>> of
>> those jumping onto the media bandwagon may be seeking to detract from
>> matters facing them, others have personal agendas in mind that can only
>> progress if they are disguised as media and economic issues. The media
>> hopefully is looking at these issues in a responsible manner, will
>> exercise
>> diplomacy and engage the Government in a civil way as the best way to
>> resolve the impasse. There are many Kenyans suffering today from matters
>> not
>> within their control, it is a dangerous thing for the media to act in a
>> way
>> that could easily stir these masses to non-civil action as measures are
>> being taken to alleviate these problems. The media has a corporate
>> responsibility in ensuring that it exhausts all civil means of ensuring
>> the
>> matters are resolved.
>> It is encouraging to know that the Government is open for discussion, but
>> there is only so much that the Government can do on legislative matters.
>> The
>> Government can draft, prepare and adjust laws but it cannot pass the same
>> in
>> parliament. The media must do more on its own in approaching not just key
>> leaders but ultimately the legislators who actually vote to pass the same
>> laws.
>> On Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 5:11 PM, <bitange(a)> wrote:
>>> Thanks Theuri,
>>> Since Government is open for discussion, diplomacy would yield better
>>> results. I have seen their action plan which by the way violates cck
>>> licence agreement it is not the best rout to take. Having spent all
>>> weekend
>>> using public resources (frequencies) to propagate violence, they should
>>> at
>>> least wait to hear from cck.
>>> If you read today's Nation editorial on how to end impunity including
>>> media
>>> impunity you wonder if they are the same people inciting the public to
>>> violence.
>>> Ndemo
>>> Sent from my BlackBerry(R)
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: "Mike Theuri" <mike.theuri(a)>
>>> Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2008 13:19:01
>>> To: <bitange(a)>
>>> Cc: KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions<kictanet(a)>
>>> Subject: Re: [kictanet] [ke-internetusers] Kenya communications
>>> (amendment)Bill: Is media overacting?
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Re: [kictanet] [ke-internetusers] Kenya communications (amendment)Bill: Is media overacting?
by alice 15 Dec '08
by alice 15 Dec '08
15 Dec '08
Hi David
Below are excerpts from the "Action Plan"
Dear Members
Following this morning's meeting find attached today's press release,
presented at today's press conference by Vice Chairman Martin Khafafa.
The following is our action plan for at least the next week:
Our key objectives are:
· Ensure the bill is not signed in to law, therefore petition
the President in public through media campaigns and formally by
presenting the petition
· Shape public opinion through a media campaigns on all media
and talk shows – create a public debate
· Demonstrate this bill is unconstitutional and tramples on
Kenyan's hard fought media freedom; freedom of expression and freedom of
1. Press conference – 11^th December 2008
2. Petition the President not to sign the bill in to law – the
formal petition is currently being drafted by Hon Paul Muite –
PQ/Martin, SK and Linus will follow this up. This petition will be
presented to the Prime Minister and Amb Muthaura next week. An
appointment with the president will be arranged for key MOA members to
present the petition
3. Media Campaign – starting today, we will run, radio, TV and
print advertising sensitizing the public why this bill is wrong
for Kenya. Key objective is to shape public opinion and educate them on
the bill. PQ is spearheading this campaign and will distribute the
advert to all members
4. Jamhuri Day – We will cover the event on TV, however we will
show a split screen with various scenes of attacks on media e.g Standard
raid, Royal Media, etc with scroll messages on the bill and what it
portends for media freedom and expression. Conrad of NMG is spearheading
5. Coverage of MPs and Ministry of Information – media blackout for
all MPs who voted for the bill and the Ministry of Information – Joe
Odindo will get copy of the Hansard and circulate to members
6. Joint headlines with different editorials – Print media will
have a joint headline – Joe, PQ and Wachira will co-ordinate
7. All media houses invite civil society, opinion leaders who
support media on this issue to their stations to educate audiences on
the bill; organize voting and other promotions for the public to
participate in the debate
8. Print media will run an education campaign show history of
"political repression" in various articles especially this weekend
The above action plan will run until we achieve our objectives, from
time to time members will consult and modify campaigns or adjust the
plans. All members will be informed of any changes.
Feel free to include your input, we need to be united on this issue and
speak from one page.
Kind regards
MOA Secretary
dmakali(a) wrote:
> Wich media plan of action? Can anyone state here what is says or publish it please? This is typical strawman propaganda.
> If the media doesn't rep the public show me who goes, alice.
> Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device
> -----Original Message-----
> From: alice <alice(a)>
> Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2008 10:38:48
> To: <dmakali(a)>
> Cc: KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions<kictanet(a)>
> Subject: Re: [kictanet] [ke-internetusers] Kenya communications (amendment)
> Bill: Is media overacting?
> Dear Dr. Ndemo and all,
> The Media plan of action does indeed amount to some serious offenses,
> not least abuse of public resources. Also agree that we need an open
> parliament., we can not let the media claim to speak for the public
> anymore.
> best
> alice
> bitange(a) wrote:
>> Dear Edith,
>> We are uploading the published bill in the next one hour. It will indeed
>> help if everybody reads it before they make any comments. I would want
>> anybody to point any section in the published ammendment that limits press
>> freedom. You participated in most of our early interactions and the
>> intent on the broadcast section was very well understood - to introduce
>> proper regulatory mechanism.
>> My friend Kaikai wants me to prove that in the past few days media has
>> been propagating violence. Most of you saw their plan of action which
>> lawyers tell me amounts to serous offence.
>> Ndemo.
>>> It worries me that the masses are taking sides depending on what others
>>> say, rather than to read the bill themselves. Is there a "popular version"
>>> of the bill for ordinary Kenyans? Can we get a copy of the current bill or
>>> be pointed to where the latest version can be downloaded? This information
>>> is not necessarily within the public domain.
>>> It is high time we do not leave our future in the hands of afew, but let
>>> everyone be educated about the issues at hand so they can engage from an
>>> informed standpoint - we need an OPEN parliament. We have enough digital
>>> tools to allow interaction between parliament and the governed.
>>> Edith
>>> ________________________________________
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of
>>> alice [alice(a)]
>>> Sent: 14 December 2008 19:40
>>> To: Edith Adera
>>> Cc: KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions
>>> Subject: Re: [kictanet] [ke-internetusers] Kenya communications
>>> (amendment) Bill: Is media overacting?
>>> David,
>>> Perhaps the media could start by reporting accurately. Some of the
>>> sections the media find so offensive already exist in the 1998
>>> communications act. So why not present the big full picture to all and
>>> especially the public?
>>> alice
>>> (Views expressed are personal and not a reflection of any of the
>>> organizations I am affiliated with)
>>> dmakali(a) wrote:
>>>> Wainaina
>>>> I can't argue against your sources but am certain that stage of black
>>>> out for mps hasn't been reached at all. In fact we are meeting tue to
>>>> evaluate exactly the import of the passage of that bill and bring every1
>>>> on the same page.
>>>> Of course blacking out not just some 25 mps but all is very much a
>>>> possible line of action. And for good reason- these mps did not consider
>>>> ANY of the changes we proposed. That gang approach doesn't lend itself
>>>> to decent engagement frm the media. They have abused their power and
>>>> ignored our views, not reasonably but glibly.
>>>> I am totally in agrment with thoz who argue the broadcast media needs
>>>> regulation, because it is true. I don't even share some defensive views
>>>> about ownership held by moa- I see no value in nmg getting more radio or
>>>> tv frequencies for eg coz they already have too many, or royal media
>>>> having all thoz frequencies. Its simply obscene. But that is a diff
>>>> story frm govt getting into micro management of media conent or , the
>>>> minister having power to raid and confiscate equipment or occupy or take
>>>> over a media house. There was no emergency wen michuki used mercenaries
>>>> to raid standard.
>>>> Plus the ethical issues being raised about content can and are already
>>>> addressed under the media act. The worst thing you want is to invite
>>>> govt fiat into content matters. You will rue the day you get a
>>>> dictatorial govt. Examples are many.
>>>> Similarly, how do you allow the minister to give directions to a
>>>> commission that's supposd to be independent? He shud take its advice not
>>>> rubber stamp his decisions. And how do you have a commission appointed
>>>> solely by the minister without any guidelines? Criteria to follow?
>>>> Finally did you see the clause about kbc? Nothing about its roles, and
>>>> obligations? Even the principal act is beta!
>>>> Well, wainaina and other kictanets, it would be useful to speak to these
>>>> issues even as you condemn the media for obviously lopsided reporting
>>>> and wailing.
>>>> David
>>>> Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: "Wainaina Mungai" <wainaina(a)>
>>>> Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2008 17:53:55
>>>> To: <dmakali(a)>; KICTAnet ICT Policy
>>>> Discussions<kictanet(a)>
>>>> Subject: Re: [ke-internetusers] Kenya communications (amendment) Bill:
>>>> Is media overacting?
>>>> David,
>>>> I am very much involved the media and you & I know that it was agreed
>>>> that the Action Plan includes a "blackout to..." as well as all the
>>>> issues I indicated.The point is clear. I have told the truth relating
>>>> to the content of the Action Plan.
>>>> The question of execution is separate. Ndemo having been on K24 is
>>>> does not change much but it is not in line with the Action
>>>> Plan....meaning, we need to complement K24 for that step.
>>>> Let's be honest in our submissions especially concerning such
>>>> revelations.
>>>> Wainaina
>>>> On 12/14/08, dmakali(a) <dmakali(a)> wrote:
>>>>> That's not true. You have obviously exaggerated in trying to put across
>>>>> your
>>>>> cheap propaganda. Ndemo was on k24 this morning and he was of course
>>>>> not
>>>>> opposing the bill. Plus, you should ask yourself, who has come out to
>>>>> support the bill and not been given airtime.
>>>>> Yes, the media is campaigning, but it has not yet agreed or employed
>>>>> any of
>>>>> the strategies you have listed. Their time is coming. And we don't
>>>>> need to
>>>>> go to previous regimes to show brutal attacks against the media. The
>>>>> worst
>>>>> have taken place under the current regime!
>>>>> You have more to be grateful than disgusted with the media. Be just a
>>>>> little
>>>>> more reflective and considerate otherwise your diabolical hatred of the
>>>>> media lacks foundation.
>>>>> David
>>>>> Sent from my BlackBerry(R) wireless device
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: "Wainaina Mungai" <wainaina(a)>
>>>>> Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2008 17:08:09
>>>>> To: <dmakali(a)>
>>>>> Cc: KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions<kictanet(a)>
>>>>> Subject: Re: [kictanet] [ke-internetusers] Kenya communications
>>>>> (amendment)
>>>>> Bill: Is media overacting?
>>>>> The truth is that the "supporters" you see on TV, hear on radio, read
>>>>> in papers are not by accident. The Media Owners Association (MoA)
>>>>> crafted a campaign strategy that includes the "media blackout to all
>>>>> MPs who supported the Bill and The Ministry of Information &
>>>>> Communications".
>>>>> According to persons privy to the media campaign strategy, we have a
>>>>> big problem here and it's about time Kenyans were told the objective
>>>>> truth. Unfortunately, the people who own the media houses are
>>>>> determined to use every possible means to ensure the Bill is not
>>>>> signed. You will not hear a supporter of the Bill being given
>>>>> coverage.
>>>>> Why?
>>>>> The strategy is clearly not intended to yield an objective result. The
>>>>> intention is to shape public opinion even through biased reporting.
>>>>> The strategy includes:
>>>>> 1. Ensure President dioesn't sign the Bill, by publicly petitioning
>>>>> him.
>>>>> 2. Take advantage of Jamhuri Day to show images of raids conducted by
>>>>> previous regimes.
>>>>> 3. Run a media campaign that includes 'same headline' in all papers
>>>>> and similar headlines on electronic media.
>>>>> 4. Shape public opinion through campains and show that the Bill is
>>>>> unconstitutional...etc etc
>>>>> 5. Blackout all supporters of the Bill, Ministry & only invite civil
>>>>> society players who support the interests of the media. Keep watching
>>>>> and you'll notice the biased reporting.
>>>>> 6. The coverage of the issue in the weekend papers (circulation) is
>>>>> also part of the strategy. This will not stop until the President
>>>>> yields to the Media's agenda.
>>>>> The media has the right to petition the President but the problem with
>>>>> their campaign is that Media Owners have actually agreed not to cover
>>>>> the issue objectively. They have conspired to shape public opinion by
>>>>> all possible means including excluding all those who have a different
>>>>> opinion.
>>>>> In doing so, they demonstrate the need for legislative regulation. The
>>>>> nation is now at the mercy of the media and the public will only be
>>>>> fed with one side of the story.
>>>>> Over to you.
>>>>> Wainaina
>>>>> On 12/14/08, Kinuthia Muchane <muchanek(a)> wrote:
>>>>>> Habari,
>>>>>> Maybe the media is overacting, maybe the the MPs are wrong... But one
>>>>>> interesting thing about this issue is the timidity of the MPs, to
>>>>>> begin
>>>>>> with, in the news all I am hearing are our dear elected
>>>>>> representatives
>>>>>> vowing their undying support for all sorts of freedom, including that
>>>>>> of
>>>>>> Press, so my question is, isn't there one, single MP who supported
>>>>>> passing of the Bill who can come out in defence of his or her stand?
>>>>>> Or
>>>>>> is it because they always pander to the Press, they do not want to be
>>>>>> seen in 'bad' light .
>>>>>> On the other hand, most of us take what we hear on the radio or watch
>>>>>> on
>>>>>> TV as gospel truth, and the unfortunate fact of life is that the
>>>>>> majority of us have no other source of information, or do not seek
>>>>>> other
>>>>>> avenues of
>>>>>> getting information, a fact very well
>>>>>> known by members of the so called "Fourth Estate". So when they drench
>>>>>> us with "details" about the dangers of the bill's amendment no matter
>>>>>> how
>>>>>> skewed their
>>>>>> opinion is, we will believe them hook, line and sinker!
>>>>>> If you ask me, in a country like ours with a very shaky social,
>>>>>> political and economic foundation, these merchants of
>>>>>> "information" should be very closely and regularly monitored, a Radio
>>>>>> Mille Collines can happen here very easily...
>>>>>> In any case, ain't all these media 'houses' just commercial
>>>>>> enterprises
>>>>>> out to make a tidy profit?
>>>>>> Kinuthia...
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Very interesting read in view of what is currently going on........
Monday, December 01, 2008
Ten Guiding Principles for E-civil Service
/*Ten Guiding Principles for E-civil Service
/*I Introduction*/
Is there anything called e-civil service or electronic civil service? If
so, what is it? How does it differ from the traditional civil service?
How can it keep pace with technological developments? What role does it
have in Government 2.0? Is there any conflict between old conduct rules
for the civil servants and the new environment? What role does e-civil
service play in the development of e-government? Does it require
separate recognition as an entity and support so that it can accelerate
the pace of development of e-government worldwide? Questions like these
must be asked and replies attempted as they have direct bearing on the
future course of development of e-government.
/*II E-civil Service*/
There are two primary drivers of e-government: technology vendors and
civil service. Technology vendors have succeeded in promoting
e-government but to a limited extent. Their limitation is that their
promotion of e-government is limited to their own technology. Civil
service has also promoted e-government but to a much lesser extent. Its
limitations are that it works under a rule-bound environment, is always
caught napping in technology developments, and above all, has no
motivation to promote e-government. Among the two, however, civil
service has greater stakes in e-government as it is required to serve
the government in power as well as citizens.
Government implements its decisions through civil service. The civil
service also provides policy inputs. Civil service is appropriately
described as the backbone of government as government policies and
programme can fail in implementation by the civil service or wrong
policies can be formulated with its help. What, however, is not
recognized is the quiet emergence of e-civil service or electronic civil
service in tandem with the emergence of e-government since mid-1990s. If
e-government is to succeed, not only the emergence of e-civil service
has to be recognized but strengthened as well so as to enable it face
the new challenge of e-government competently.
/E-civil service /or /electronic civil service /may be defined in two
important and markedly different senses:
/E-civil service /or /electronic civil service/: As the civil service
using information and communication technology (ICT) in conducting its
internal work and external public service delivery. It differs from the
traditional civil service on a number of important parameters. We will
refer to it as e-civil service or electronic civil service.
/Ai-civil service /or /artificial intelligence (AI) civil service/: As
artificial intelligence (AI) agents performing the civil service jobs,
say, determining amount of fine in traffic violations. Chun (2007)
describes application of artificial intelligence (AI) in immigration
control in Hong Kong special administrative region (SAR) by using
assessment rule engine, schema-based reasoning engine, workflow rule
engine, case-based reasoning (CBR) engine, and self-learning engine.
E-civil service and AI- civil service can be distinguished.
The emergence of e-government has increased the responsibility of civil
service by incorporating the requirements of e-civil service and
ai-civil service. In the initial stages of development of e-government,
the traditional civil service, e-civil service and ai-civil service will
all co-exist. E-civil service and ai-civil service are thus add-on to
the existing civil service and not its replacement. It is only in the
final stage that one can think of e-civil service and ai-civil service
replacing the traditional civil service, and that too only in part,
notwithstanding the projections of futurologists. However, e-civil
service and ai-civil service both will gain increasingly more ground
with the passage of time. In the new environment of e-governance,
therefore, the task of civil service has become quite enormous,
unprecedented and, yes, very challenging.
/*III An E-democracy Model Highlighting the Key Role of E-civil Service*/
An e-democracy model highlighting the key role of e-civil service can
now be proposed. The model proposes that (i) e-civil service is the
backbone of government and e-government, (ii) e-civil service is
required to serve democracy and e-democracy on the one hand and citizen
and e-citizen on the other, (iii) Democracy is characterized by rule by
majority, and adult suffrage, (iv) E-democracy is characterized by the
Internet and e-engagement, (v) Democracy-performance mismatch has
resulted in widespread embracing of e-government, and (vi) e-engagement
is an integral part of e-government.
/*IV Guiding Principles for Development of E-civil Service*/The
e-democracy model proposed above (Section III) highlights the key role
of e-civil service in promoting e-democracy. The coming into being of
e-civil service is raising a number of important issues, many of which
are unprecedented, which require to be addressed. Fountain (2007:6-7)
observes "In one sense, digital tools merely enhanced the power of a set
of reforms already underway and accepted as legitimate and appropriate
by civil servants. Yet the extraordinary power of the internet to allow
citizens to access government "anytime, anywhere," greatly increased
accessibility and made abstruse government documents and procedures, now
online, more glaringly unresponsive to citizens." The following ten
guiding principles are suggested for the development of e-civil service.
/*Principle 1. Recognise the Emergence of E-Civil Service*/
E-civil service is quietly entering the governments worldwide. However,
it has so far not been formally recognized. This has twofold
consequences. First, the non-recognition deprives e-civil service of any
systematic development as a result of which the quality of e-government
is adversely affected. Secondly, the non-recognition is leading to
piling up of issues which, with passage of time, are only getting more
complicated making their subsequent solution elusive, time-consuming and
costly. Thirdly, the application of artificial intelligence (AI) to
civil service tasks has given rise to, what this author has called,
artificial intelligence (AI) civil service, has also not being
recognized. New technologies create policy vacuums (Moor 1985). However,
the policy vacuum created by the emergence of e-civil service has so far
not been filled. It has thus become essential to formally recognize the
emergence of e-civil service.
/*Principle 2. Encourage Civil Service to Work Online*/
One of the main conclusions of case studies of e-government projects in
five countries-Argentina, Mexico, India, United Arab Emirates, and
Tunisia- analyzed to see how personnel issues slowed implementation of
e-government projects is that "High-level support does not ensure staff
buy-in." (WB 2005). There is so far no incentive for civil servants to
work online. As a result, adoption of e-government practices is slow in
civil service. The typical incentives are an entry of work done online
in annual performance appraisal, grant of an increment in salary for
doing good work, and formal recognition by grant of award for exemplary
work in e-government. These are, however, mundane incentives which have
only limited impact, if any. A mandatory policy may prove to be
counter-productive as it may invite hostility from civil servants.
Likewise an absence of policy will only maintain status quo. A middle
path may be a practical strategy. For example, a mandatory policy may be
adopted for routine tasks in the civil service like sanction of casual
leave, approval of tour programme and filing of property returns. For
rest of the tasks, civil service has to be encouraged to work online by
providing appropriate incentives.
/*Principle 3. Encourage E-civil Service to Use Web 2.0
Technologies*/The essence of Web 2.0 or Social Web is interactivity. And
Web 2.0 is a reality. Many civil servants lurk in discussion groups but
do not actively participate in discussion for fear of violating conduct
rules and inviting the wrath of their superiors. On their part, the
governments too have so far also not issued any guidelines on this
issue. In a pioneering attempt, Cabinet Office in United Kingdom has
issued the following guidelines: 1. Be credible, 2. Be consistent, 3. Be
responsive, 4. Be integrated, and 5. Be a civil servant (CO 2008). Clift
(2008) notes: "Every country needs a similar policy guide or
alternatively as a whole, their government will become irrelevant to
most people. Countries with civil servants disconnected online, have
disconnected democracies." Our civil services are still steeped in 19th
century ethos. They must now become civil services of 21st century. One
way to achieve this objective is to encourage e-civil service to use Web
2.0 technologies.
/*Principle 4. Recognise New Demands of Citizens on Civil Service*/
Civil service is known for not changing its way of working. History
proves this statement. Change when introduced is easily absorbed into
the system and the civil service quickly reverts to its old ways of
working. All this, however, appears to be changing in the age of
e-government. The emergence of e-government since mid-1990s has started
placing new demands on civil service. Not only is e-government changing
the way e-government works (for example, making it more
technology-oriented) and the work it does (for example, adding the
online work) but also citizen expectation from civil service. Citizens
now want value-added, tailor-made public service delivery online and,
what is more important from civil service point of view, hold the civil
service, and not its political masters, directly responsible for it. So
far civil service has worked protected under the cloak of anonymity.
This is no longer possible in the age of e-government which espouses the
cause of open and transparent government. These new demands of citizens
on civil service, therefore, need to be recognized.
/*Principle 5. Treat E-civil Service as an Instrument of Administrative
Administrative reform is an uninspiring term. Its poor reputation comes
from its poor record of achievements so far. Kraemer and King (2005:2)
are of the view that "information technology has never been an
instrument of administrative reform; rather it has been used to
reinforce existing administrative and political arrangements." It is
difficult to subscribe to this view. If improving internal processes of
government is part of administrative reforms, then application of
information technology (IT) to government is very much a move for
administrative reforms. However, and it is important, application of
information technology (IT) to government, by itself, is not
e-government. What makes it e-government is the involvement of citizens
in decision-making processes of government, a dimension altogether
missing in earlier phases of application of information technology (IT)
to government. Since e-civil service, an altogether new development, is
the backbone of e-government, it has to be treated as an instrument of
administrative reforms.
/*Principle 6. Set Up an Exclusive Portal for E-civil Service*/E-civil
service now requires an exclusive portal for itself, catering to the
needs of civil servants in the era of e-government. Such a portal will
keep the civil servants fully updated about the latest rules and
regulations, up to date civil list, sanction of leave, physical fitness
exercise programmes and guidance, settlement of traveling allowance
(T.A.), medical and miscellaneous claims, career advancement
opportunities like mid-service training programmes, availability of
online inter-active training programmes and online technical support for
computer maintenance and use, annual performance appraisal, job
opportunities and career counseling. It should provide RSS feed so that
civil servants can keep themselves up to date with any development.
Likewise it should have a discussion group or blog and a wiki so that
civil servants could participate in them. This will be a closed portal
accessible only to serving civil servants and managed by an officer of
sufficient seniority. It will thus be a comprehensive one-stop service
to civil servants. Some governments have set up such sub-portals but
they do not provide comprehensive services.
/*Principle 7. Introduce E-recruitment to Civil Service*/
A Government Guide to Best Practice defines e-recruitment, also known as
online recruitment, as "the use of Internet and intranet technology to
recruit including candidate attraction, employer branding, candidate
tracking, candidate selection, and hiring." (CO 2007:65).The components
of e-recruitment are: (i) attracting candidates online to your website
or your organization, (ii) communicating your employer brand and
recruitment proposition online, (iii) tracking, communicating with and
selecting candidates online, (iv) testing candidates online, and (v)
on-boarding (otherwise known as welcoming and induction) candidates
online (ibid.:7). Many developed countries have set up recruitment
gatways. In United Kingdom, for example, the Cabinet Office has set up a
Civil Service Recruitment Gateway at
Likewise Singapore Government has set up a recruitment portal at which it calls VOG
(lateral image of GOV). Other countries should follow suit.
/*Principle 8. Deal with Disciplinary Cases Online*/One of the sore
points with civil servants is the inordinate delay which the
disciplinary proceedings against them take in completion. Such
disciplinary proceedings call for penalties ranging from mere warning to
dismissal or removal from service and are typically launched while the
civil servant is in employment. These come in the way in his promotion
as and when such an opportunity occurs. The procedure involved in
dealing with disciplinary cases against the civil servants is quite
complicated and time-consuming. It is a case of e-government that such
cases can be expedited if dealt with online. In such a case the cause
list can be posted online, so also the documents upon which the
department proposes to rely to prove its case. The documents are
required to be supplied to the concerned civil servant under rules. The
final order too can be posted online. In case the facility of
video-conferencing is available, hearings in the case as well as
recording of evidence can be done online.
/*Principle 9. Sort Out Ethical Issues of E-civil Service*/
A number of ethical issues have started emerging as a result of civil
servants surfing the Internet while in office and otherwise also. First
is the maintenance of blog. Can a civil servant have a blog of his own
covering a subject dealt with by him? Second, can a civil servant
actively participate in discussion groups, communities of practice
(COPs) and social networking sites and defend or clarify his
department's position? Among these concerns, use of email at workplace
has gained attention as it is most widely used tool in e-government.
Oregon State Archives and Oregon Association of Municipal Recorders have
issued a very comprehensive E-mail Policy Manual for Local Government
(OSA n.d.) which has a template also. In India, the Department of
Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances (DARPG) has issued
comprehensive guidelines on use of email with due emphasis on e-mail as
an official record (DARPG n.d.). But not many civil servants are either
aware of these instructions or have only vague idea about them. The
emerging ethical concerns need to be sorted out.
/*Principle 10. Train E-civil Service in Government 2.0*/
Training is time-tested method for upgrading knowledge and skills of
civil servants. It is generally quite a challenging task when the
trainees are in-service civil servants but it is more challenging in
case of e-government as it involves concurrent training in technology
also. Schelin (2004, Table 5:272) suggests a training curriculum based
on six modules in which Digital Civic Engagement is the sixth model.
Whichever training module is selected, it is necessary that the civil
servants are systematically trained in Government 2.0, whose essence is
inter-activity which has been possible only by e-government tools, as
against out-of-date Government 1.0, which is based on one-way
communication from government to citizens. Training in Government 2.0
will include understanding the new role of civil servants, appreciation
of emergence of e-citizen and e-citizenship, understanding of e-concepts
associated with e-democracy, knowledge of e-engagement and
e-participation tools and, finally, involvement of e-citizens in public
policy formulation actively supported by e-civil service.
/*V Concluding Remarks*/
Weberian bureaucracy characterized by objectivity, administration by
rules, and anonymity is a remarkable improvement over earlier form of
civil service characterized by subjectivity and administration by whims
and fancies. The practice of Weberian bureaucracy, however, revealed a
number of weaknesses as a result of which a number of measures of
administrative reforms were undertaken in many countries prominent among
which is the re-inventing government movement or new public management
which requires running of government as a private sector corporation.
This too had a very limited success as the two- government and private
sector corporation- are based on fundamentally different premises,
namely, the former is based on service-orientation and the latter on
profit-orientation. E-government is the latest measure in administrative
reforms which makes a powerful assault on the weaknesses of existing
governments, particularly in their relation with their citizens.
However, the realization of full potential of e-government is still
eluding us. This can be achieved only if the emergence of e-civil
service is formally recognized and it is supported to enable it
discharge its new role. Ten guiding principles for e-civil service
developed here can help us in this regard.
Chun, Andy Hon Wai (2007): Using AI for e-Government Automatic Assessment of
Immigration Application Forms,
(accessed : November 25, 2008).
Clift, Steven (2008): UK Government Advises Civil Servants How to
Participate Online,, June 21, (accessed: November 25, 2008).
CO (Cabinet Office) (2007): E-recruitment projects in the public sector:
A Government Guide to Best Practice, Second Edition,Written By WCN Plc
on behalf of HM Government,…
(accessed: November 29, 2008)
CO (Cabinet Office) (2008): Principles for participation online, London,
United Kingdom, the Author
(accessed: November 25, 2008).
DARPG (Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances)
(n.d.): E-mail Management Guidelines, (accessed:
November 29, 2008)
Fountain, Jane E. (2007): Bureaucratic Reform and E-Government in the
United States: An Institutional Perspective, Amherst, University of
Massachusetts, National Center for Digital Government, Center for Public
Policy and Administration, Department of Political Science, NCDG Working
Paper No. 07-006, September 18,…
(accessed: November 26, 2008).
Kraemer, Kenneth and L. John Leslie King (2005): Information technology
and administrative reform:
will e-government be different? August,
<> (accessed: November
28, 2008)
Moor, James H. (1985): What is Computer Ethics? in Bynum, Terrell Ward
(ed.) (1985), Computers & Ethics, Blackwell, pp.266 – 75,…
(accessed: November 24, 2008).
OSA (Oregon State Archives) and Oregon Association of Municipal
Recorders (n.d.): E-mail Policy Manual for Local Government,
(accessed: November 29, 2008)
Schelin, Shannon Howle (2004): Training for Digital Government, in
Pavlichev, Alexei and G.David Garson (eds.) (2004): Digital Government:
Principles and Best Practices, Hershey, PA, Idea Publishing, Chapter
XVII, pp 263-275.
WB (World Bank) (2005): Staff incentives and project implementation:
lessons from e-government, PREM notes: Public Sector, October, Number
101, (accessed:
November 26, 2008).
AfrICANN mailing list

W3C Call for Participation: Africa Perspective on the Role of Mobile Technologies in Fostering Social and Economic Development April 1-2 2009, Maputo, Mozambique
by alice 15 Dec '08
by alice 15 Dec '08
15 Dec '08
(Apologies for cross posting)
The W3C Workshop on the "Africa Perspective on the Role of Mobile
Technologies in Fostering Social Development" aims to understand
specific challenges of using mobile phones and Web technologies to
deliver services to underprivileged populations of Developing Countries,
and to capture the specificities of the African context.
There are today more than half of the population living with less than
3$ a day, and lacking all kind of services (health, education,
government...). The incredible growth of the mobile penetration rate
last few years is providing a new hope. The potential of simple ICT
services on mobiles to improve people's income has indeed been largely
demonstrated. The aim of this workshop is to explore how to leverage
these success stories and create an enabling environment that would
drive the appearance of numerous services all over the Developing World.
People and organizations who have an interest in the role of mobile
phones and the Web in social and economic development and who wish to
participate in the workshop are invited to submit statements of interest
/ abstracts / position papers to the Workshop Committee (by email to:
This is a Workshop of the W3C Mobile Web Initiative (MWI), which aims to
identify and resolve challenges and issues of accessing the Web when on
the move.
This Workshop is part of the the Digital World Forum project (European
Union's 7th Research Framework Programme - FP7) which explore how to
take advantage of the new paradigm of low-cost technologies in broadband
infrastructure and devices to bridge the digital divide and connect the
W3C thanks Workshop host, the Ministry of Science and Technology of the
Government of Mozambique.
You are cordially invited to sponsor this workshop. Following in the
model of the successful sponsorship program developed for the 2006
Mobile Web in Developing Countries Workshop, and the 2008 Workshop on
the Role of Mobile Technologies in fostering Social Development, we
expect you will want to consider participating in the program for this
important meeting.
This sponsorship program is a marketing opportunity that enable sponsors
to showcase their organization and underscore its commitment to the
shared goals of the W3C. Sponsors reach those who are making decisions
about the future of the Web, as well as those in the public who have
come to rely on the Web as critical infrastructure for development and
to help bridging the Digital Divide. Sponsors will be associated
directly with the event which will gather at the same place experts in
mobile Web technologies, and experts in the Digital Divide in order to
use the Web and mobile phones to leverage development in rural areas of
developing countries.
There are three levels of sponsorship, Platinum-Gold-Silver, offering a
panel of benefits. All the details of each level are available from the
Sponsorship Program page.
This sponsorship program is designed to enable participation by
individuals and organizations with particular expertise, but who might
not otherwise be able to attend due to travel or other costs.
For further information and expression of interest, please contact
Stéphane Boyera (boyera(a) or Marie-Claire Forgue (mcf(a)
The deadline for requesting to take part in this opportunity is March
15, 2009.
Since its creation in 1989 by Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the Web has grown
from one user to more than 1.5 billion of users in 2008, creating
services, providing information, connecting people, creating new jobs
and completely new sectors of activities. Despite this incredible
success in a such a short timeframe, there are still today more than 4.5
billion people that are not benefiting from this Information Society.
However, the Web, and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
in general, has been recognized as a great tool to potentially resolve
the historical divides between developed and developing economies by
providing an infrastructure to deploy minimal services (Health,
Education, Business, Government...) to rural communities and
under-privileged populations. That is why many actions have been engaged
in the last twenty years towards bridging the so-called Digital Divide.
Unfortunately, these actions - often focussing on telecenters - have had
little success so far. This model has encountered many difficulties due
to the local conditions (lack of electricity, lack of maintenance
skills….) and very few have reach long-term sustainability and continued
Since 2-3 years a new hope is coming with the very high penetration rate
of mobile telephony in developing countries. Now a minimal
infrastructure (GSM networks) and minimal computing power (mobile
phones) are available in the pockets (or at least in their very close
environment) of billions of people, including the poorest segment of the
population. Most developing countries who missed the telephony
revolution due to lack of infrastructure and required investments have
participated in the mobile revolution directly. Can this be repeated for
the Web? Four years ago, the W3C with the mobile industry have launched
the Mobile Web Initiative to make mobile phone users first class Web
citizen, and the number of people accessing the Web from mobile phones
is growing very quickly. Would it be possible that, like for telephony,
most Developing Countries will skip the PC-Web revolution and jump
directly on the next phase, the Mobile Web?
In May 2008, W3C has launched the Mobile Web for Social Development
Interest Group to explore this direction, and understand the type of
actions that could support and leverage this transition. This is the
theme of this workshop.
For under-privileged people to benefit the Web, they need to be able to
access it, and find accessible, usable and useful information and
services that would help them, and that is worth the resource they put
to learn and connect. Therefore, it is critical to explore the two
aspects of access and content, as well as the education needs.
Regarding access, it is critical to understand the key challenges and
barriers that targeted end-users (underpriviledged populations of
Developing Countries) have to access and use mobile services. This
includes affordability, usability, illiteracy, accessibility and
internationalization/localization issues.
Regarding content, the key question is creating an enabling environment
for the creation of information and services that people need and that
would improve their lives. In the last 2 or 3 years, we witnessed the
appearance of success stories of that demonstrated how relatively simple
services on mobile could be really helpful. However, the number of these
success stories is still low, and they are all based on a limited
technology, SMS. This workshop is aiming at identifying the issues,
barriers, needs and challenges the potential providers of
development-oriented services, mostly NGO/grass-root organizations and
governments/public sector have to develop and deploy those services, and
to exploit the potential of the mobile platform.
Regarding education, it is essential to understand what are the needs of
the different actors (NGO/grass-root organizations, IT sector, potential
entrepreneurs,...), and what kind of education material could help
disseminating the expertise and enabling people about developing
services and content on mobile phones.
As an input to this workshop, the W3C team has written a public white
paper that summarizes some of these issues. The W3C Mobile Web for
Social Development Group is also developing a set of documents which
should serve as input to potential participants.
The goal of the workshop is to provide input and feedback to the W3C
Mobile Web Initiative, and its Mobile Web for Social Development
Interest Group. The following topics are of particular interest:
* Analysis of use-cases / real-world projects on
o use of mobile phones in development projects,
o use of the Web in development projects,
o deployment of public services using mobile devices in developing
* Strengths and weaknesses of SMS technology vs mobile Web vs voice
* Regional differences in Asia/Africa/Central Europe/Middle East/South
* Challenges of integrating ICTs in rural communities
* Usability and Human-Computer Interfaces (HCI) challenges of mobile
browser and mobile content for population without technological
background and prior computer experience
* Challenges and potential solutions against illiteracy
* Usage of mobile technologies in emergency responses in rural areas
* Analysis on the way the mobile phones and/or the Web could improve
people's lives in Developing Countries (education, healthcare, etc.)
* Role of voice and multimodal technologies/applications
* Challenges of developing and deploying numerous ICT services to rural
* Comparison between different potential platforms to support ICT's
deployment (mobile phones, low-cost laptop, telecenters, and so on)
* Opportunity and challenges of ICTs in social/human development
* Challenges of sustainability, scalability and replicability
* Challenges and opportunity of integrating mobile phones in specific
domains: eGovernment projects (mGovernment), e-health projects, disaster
Who should attend ?
W3C encourages W3C Members and public to participate in the Workshop.
Workshop organizers expects that this workshop should be of particular
interest to people with following backgrounds:
* Charitable Foundations funding and/or managing Development projects
using ICTs
* Companies or Organizations providing ICT-related products, services,
content, applications or infrastructure in Developing Countries.
* People with grassroots experience on the use of ICT in Development
* People from the ICT for Development (ICT4D) domain
* People with a mobile background
* People with an eGovernment background
* Web experts
* Accessibility experts
* Digital Divide experts
* People expert in mobile HCI in Developing Countries
* People expert in the use of mobile phones in Development
Workshop Dates
The workshop will take place on April 1-2 2009.
The exact venue is still under consideration. Details will be soon
Statements of Interest, abstracts, position papers and presentation
slides must be in English. The workshop will have a real-time
simultaneous translation in Portuguese, English and French. Therefore,
speakers and presenters can use any of these three languages.
To ensure productive discussions, the workshop is limited to 100
attendees. Participation is open to non-W3C members. Each organization
can provide at most two attendees.
Statement of interest are required in order to participate in this
workshop (except for W3C team members). Each organization or individual
wishing to participate must submit a statement of interest at
team-m4d-ws-submit(a) explaining their interest in the workshop as
soon as possible and no later than February 12, 2009. The intent is to
make sure that participants have an active interest in the area, and
that the workshop will benefit from their presence. The Program
Committee will select attendants based on their statement of interests
and the number of available seats.
Each organization or individual wishing to have a position paper
published on the workshop web site and/or wishing to make a presentation
during the event must submit an abstract no later than January 12, 2009.
The Program Committee will then review these abstracts, select some of
them for presentation, and request the full papers from the authors. The
decision of the Program Committee will be notified to the authors by
January 25, 2009.
Send abstract (in valid XHTML/HTML (please use the W3C Markup Validation
Service) or PDF or Plain Text - 1 to 2 pages) to: team-m4d-ws-submit(a)
All papers from accepted abstract will be available from the workshop
Web site. The workshop Web site will be public, so papers and slides
must be suitable for public dissemination. Speaker slides will also be
available at the Web site after the workshop. There will not be printed
To attend, you must register by filling out a registration form. The URI
for the registration form will be sent to you after your statement of
interest is accepted.
There will be no participation fee.
Press representatives must contact w3t-pr(a) and/or Marie-Claire
Forgue, W3C Communications (mcf(a)
The agenda will be published after the selection of abstracts by the
Program Committee.
Important Deadlines
Please note the following dates:
* As soon as possible - Statements of interest
* January 12, 2009: Abstract submission
* January 25, 2009: Committee Decisions on participations and abtract
* February 20, 2009: Agenda and registration open
* March 15, 2009: Final presentations available and registration closed
* April 1-2, 2009: Two Days Workshop in Maputo, Mozambique
Enquiries or comments on the workshop can be sent to the public mailing
list public-mw4d(a)